Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How To Take Your Baby For A Walk In Houston Texas...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It's stinkin hot here in Texas.

So, what's a Mommy to do when she just has to get out of the house and doesn't have a vehicle? She reaches into her bag of tricks and finds a Mom-way!

On this particularly hot and humid day last week, this Mom's way was to pack baby in ice, literally.

I wrapped several cooler packs in receiving blankets and stuffed them into Mimi's carseat, right along beside her.

It worked so well! Greta and I sweated our butts off on that walk. Meanwhile, Mimi stayed cool as a cucumber.

She loves going on walks.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mimi Vs. the Play Mat: Rounds #1 and #2...

First, they were friends.

Now, bitter enemies!

Round #1:
Mimi gets her hand stuck in a pocket. In usual Mimi style, she plays it cool, fidgets, and eventually frees herself from the hee-man jaws of her safari play mat.

Round #2:
In the second match up, Mimi finds herself once again up against a formidable opponent. For much of Round #2, she holds steadfast- determined to play in peace. However, the play mat had other plans.

This time her foot becomes hopelessly lodged in the rattle ring of a dangly blue hippo. Fortunately, Mommy comes to the rescue, dislodging the stuck foot and restoring playtime.

Stay tuned for more updates on the ongoing struggle of good vs. evil!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chubby Monkey...

Amelia REALLY likes to eat, like really.

We went to her 2 month doctor visit today. She has gained nearly 3 pounds this month! She was 8 pounds 6 ounces a month ago- now she weighs 11 pounds 2 ounces.

Monday, August 23, 2010

She Looks Good Enough To Eat...

Amelia helped me take some new photos of my Sushi Halloween costume this year. I wanted to get some new pics done since we might be featured in Wine Enthusiast Magazine's Holiday Gift Guide this year!

She wasn't very excited about it, but they still turned out pretty cute...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Little Escape Artist...

I may have told some of you, Amelia rolled over for the first time on Sunday night. I put her to bed (on her back). She was drowsy, but not asleep. Five minutes later, she cried. I went in to check on her and she was on her stomach and screaming. I think it scared her.

She is really becoming mobile now. I was able to capture the following clever move on film.

Disclaimer: I was sitting right next to her while she got herself into this position. She didn't cry, in fact, she looked quite proud of herself, so I just let her do it to see how far she would go.

Flirtin' With Justin Beaver...

Amelia has really started interacting with her toys lately.

She particularly loves this green beaver on the toy bar of the bouncy seat that her Auntie Laura gave her. She's always flirting with him. She tilts her head to the side and flashes a big grin. I call him "Justin Beaver" since he clearly has a similar power over young girls.

Let's hope he doesn't break her heart like Joey McIntyre broke mine.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gazing Into Her Future...

Auntie Diane took these beautiful artistic shots during her visit and I'm just now getting them up here. The lighting is so pretty...

Just Chillin' in Her Bumbo...

The ending is the best part...

Yes, my voice is annoying in these videos. Sorry.

Monday, August 9, 2010

One Day At A Time...

I was finally able to capture some photos of Mia's joyous smiles throughout the day.

It sure does make it all worth while when I see that baby girl grin from ear to ear and flash her adorable dimples.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rooty, Tooty, Fresh N' Fruity...

This kid doesn't disappoint. Kenny says she takes after her Auntie Diane!

Turn up the volume.

Wait for it. Wait for it...

We are so proud!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Amelia's First Smile...

This is Amelia's first smile caught on video. She's such a Stinker because she always stops grinning when I get out the camera. But, finally, I got her!

This week (week 6) she is really grinning a lot and showing her beautiful dimples.

She responds well to the word "Ma-Ma". Kenny and I have both gotten her to smile a lot by saying it. Of course, if I have anything to say about it, it will be her first word.

Beach Baby Photo Shoot...

Our trip to the beach inspired this adorable photo shoot:

(Greta wanted her beach picture taken, too.)

Beach Babies...

Auntie Diane and Auntie Sheila took Amelia and Mommy to Galveston Beach during their visit. Other than a couple of walks around the neighborhood in her stroller, it was the first time Amelia spent more than a few minutes outside. (It's so darn hot here.)

She wasn't quite sure what to make of all the wind and sunshine. She was even more confused by the sand and water on her toes.

Auntie Diane Comes To Visit...

Kenny's sister, Diane and her friend, Sheila came from Las Vegas to visit Amelia for the first time...

First Big Girl Bath...

I've been meaning to post these for a while now. This is Amelia's first bath in the big bathtub. She was 4 1/2 weeks before her belly button finally fell off so that we could give her more than a sponge bath. She still loves her bath.

I love her tummy in this first picture. It's evidence of how insatiable her appetite is already. You can also see her adorable innie/outie belly button!