My Bay-bey is 5 months old. Most of my house plants turn brown in less than five months. I have to admit I'm worried for her.
In some ways, taking care of Amelia has become second nature. I usually know what she wants and needs and I can usually provide it. Her sleep, despite it's complete lack of consistency, is plentiful enough for me to become refreshed so that I can have the patience it takes to be a Mama. (All the Mamas just shook their heads. Babies sleep to grow, but they also sleep a lot because they are so much darn trouble when they are awake. It's the Universe's way of rewarding our hard work.)
Even though things are becoming more settled and normal though, I feel the real work is about to begin. Amelia is developing so quickly (and is clearly an advanced child) and it scares the crap out of me. She is already in crawling position (as you can see in the last picture) and can scoot herself quite well backwards. I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful jerk, but I really wouldn't mind if she just slowed down and enjoyed being a baby for a little longer.
Let the baby-proofing begin!
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